Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monthly Birthday Lunch

May 31, 2011
Each  month the mom's of the students at school do a lunch for the teachers/staff who have birthdays that month.  They have done such a great job this year decorating and making the lunch so special for the birthday people.  It is so much fun getting spoiled by this amazing group of ladies!  Today we had the June birthday lunch, even though it's still May.  I loved the flowers they decorated with today, so I took a picture! 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day BBQ

May 30, 2011
What better way to celebrate memorial day than with a BBQ?  Just like the rest of the country we had a BBQ today at the house I used to live in.  It was a great time of hanging out with friends and eating some yummy burgers.

I actually "borrowed" this picture from Leah, who has it on her blog for today as well.  Thanks Leah!  I forgot my camera that day...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Get Away

May 29, 2011
Some days you just need to get away!  It has been a crazy few weeks, and the next two are just going to be crazy-er(?).  So I decided to get away while I could and headed out to the beach.  It was a great day to relax and rest up, getting ready for the last two weeks of school. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fatal Error

May 28, 2011
I knew that day was coming... the day my computer finally died!  Today I was listening to some music, and suddenly it stopped.  I went to check out what happened, and there it was, the error message.  My hard drive completely crashed.  Thankfully I had been getting messages that my memory was running out, so I had just saved all of my files, pictures and music to my external hard drive on Wednesday!!  This is the first time I have done that right!!  So, as I wait for my new computer, no posts... but I'll catch up once I get it! 

(This is actually a catch up post.  I am going to add all the posts that I missed now that I have a computer again, Yay!!)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mother's Spa Day 2011

May 27, 2011
Last year we started a new tradition at LACS, hosting a spa day for the moms of our students.  We have a great friend to our school, and board member of our ministry, named Carol Anderson, a clothing designer, who donated an enormous amount of brand new clothes for our moms to take home.  We had five amazing hair stylists who donated their time and product in order to come in and cut and style hair for our moms and to make sure they each had a fun goodie-bag to take home.  We have a great team of "facialists" who came last year and who were back today to do facials for our moms.  We had the most amazing group of volunteers who came in to do child care, watching 12-15 babies and toddlers so the moms could enjoy their day in peace and quiet, these people were my heroes of the day!  And of course we have our amazing staff at LACS who gave their time and love to do manicures and pedicures, make delicious food for the whole day and work many, many extra hours setting up and cleaning up, to make sure this day was a success, which it was!!

I still feel very emotional over this day, after pouring so much time and energy into getting it going, and then watching as our moms connected with each other over coffee and sweet bread, relaxing and enjoying themselves without having to worry about anything, and getting pampered!  One mom told the teacher of her son that this was the best day of her life, and that she had never done anything like this before.  What an amazing blessing to be a part of this special day for everyone involved!

Our chapel room was transformed into a lovely, peaceful spa room for the day, and it looked beautiful!  We had lots of food coming out all day long; healthy, delicious treats for everyone to enjoy, and displayed so beautifully as well.  : )

The moms got to choose 5 pieces of clothing each, with the help of one of many CAbi (the clothing line) consultants, who came for the morning to help our moms shop and find the clothes that are right of them.  These consultants were so great!

Manis and pedis from our volunteers and staff members! 

New hair cuts and styles from our 5 stylists who gave their whole day to take care of our moms.  When one of the ladies would come back from one of the hair stations the other moms at the tables would clap and cheer for them, ohhing and awwwing at their new looks. 

One of our volunteers who did facials all day with one of the moms.  I loved the looks of relaxation and peace that the moms had as they came out of the little facial rooms that had been set up.

A group of moms spending time together at the tables set up for eating and fellowship.  What an amazing day.  I'm already looking forward to next year!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bitter Sweet Times

May 26, 2011
Today we finished up taking 8th grade cap and gown pictures.  It is so fun to see these kids all grown up, but it is so sad to see them leave our school!  There are a lot of pictures for today, so get ready:  the whole class, boys being silly, girls being silly, boys being super models, girls being super models and then the whole class again with their home room teacher.  : )

Two more weeks!  Finish strong 8th graders!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crazy and Mixed-Up

May 25, 2011
Today was Crazy Mixed-Up Day at the elementary school.  It was so much fun!  Just about all of the kids (even a good amount of the 5th graders, who don't usually participate in much) came in crazy outfits, most with mismatched socks and shoes, clashing clothes and lots of things inside out and backwards.  I'm not sure who loves these spirit days more; the students or the teachers...  :  )

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Special Treats for Lunch

May 24, 2011
Meredith surprised us today with a super special lunch from Urth Cafe!  During a busy week it is so nice to know you don't have to think about lunch on any given day.   I got my favorite chicken curry sandwich with a side salad.  So good! 

Thanks for our surprise lunch Mer!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Counting Down the Days

May 23, 2011
It's never easy to wake up on Monday, but it is especially difficult when there are only 3 weeks of school left!  We are for sure on the count down, with only 18 more days, counting weekends and Memorial Day, so only 13 more school days left until summer!!

The scary part is that there is SOOOOO much that needs to get done before summer gets here...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cherries and Banana Bread

May 22, 2011
Two of my favorite things are cherries and banana bread, and today I got to have both!! Fresh and Easy had cherries on sale and I had frozen bananas that I needed to use, so I got to have two treats today.

And I will get to have these treats all week!  Or at least until they are gone... : )

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Playing Hooky

May 21, 2011
Today was a beautiful day!  I should have been working, getting things ready for the end of the school year activities which are right around the corner, but instead I headed out to the beach with Janice.  It was perfect!  We walked along the water's edge and sat and talked for quite a while.

It always feels great to get out of the city air and into some clean beach air!  We both came home more relaxed, rested, a little pinker, and ready to take on a new week!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Never Say Never

May 20, 2011
This past week we have been spoiled rotten by the parents at our school.  It has been teacher appreciation week and we have been fed breakfast and lunch every day!  It has been amazing!!  Today we had a big lunch to end the week with an extra special meal and an extra long break so we could all eat together.

Our amazing moms decorated the CC, made us a delicious lunch and gave us each gift cards to Starbucks or Yogurt Land.  What a great day!

But, to make the day even more special, it was also Steph's birthday!!

After school we headed out to the Farmer's Market to eat dinner and pick up some cheese cake from the Cheesecake Factory to take back home with us to Mer's house.  We enjoyed our cheese cake while watching a movie of Steph's choosing...

It actually was not as bad as I expected it to be, and I even liked it a little bit...  : )

Happy Birthday Steph!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chocolate Cake

May 19, 2011
Tonight at family group Danielle made a rich, gooey, chocolately, scrumptious chocolate cake for dessert... it was good!  I really wanted to eat the whole thing, but I practiced my self-control and just ate one piece.  : )

So delicious, thanks Danielle!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Basketball Anyone?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Our amazing PE teacher organized a basketball tournament today for our middle school students.  They seemed to love it.  I took the 5th graders in to watch for a little while, and I know they loved it, they didn't want to leave.  Unfortunately we had to, so I'm not even sure which team won.  While I was there I got some pictures of the teams warming up and getting ready for their first game.

I guess you can't really tell this group is warming up, but they were, and this is the picture that best shows the whole gym and the other teams.  Plus, I like that Lorraina is smiling and Cynthia is coaching away, encouraging her players.  : )

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Caps and Gowns

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
You know it's close to the end of the school year when we start seeing caps and gowns all over the place at school.  Today we took cap and gown pictures for Kindergarten, fifth grade and eighth grade.  Only 8th grade uses caps and gowns for their graduation ceremony, but we take pictures of all three grades in them, just for fun I guess...
Here's a sample from each grade:


5th grade

8th grade
LACS students are the cutest!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Traveling Tide Pools

Monday, May 16, 2011
Today at school we had a traveling tide pool guy come with a bunch of sea animals.  It was a great in school field trip for the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes.  My favorite part was when he brought out a baby horn shark! 

Sooooooo cool!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

40 Years Together

May 15, 2011
Today is my parents anniversary, they have been married for 40 years!  I'm so proud of them, staying together that long is almost unheard of these days.  They have been great parents to us, supportive, loving and encouraging, and a great example of marriage, through good times and hard times.

I am so thankful to have Bill and Joni Froman for my parents, and am hoping for 40 more years with them!  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, I love you both!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Healthy Family Fun Weekend Activities

May 14, 2011
Every other Saturday the teachers at LACS take turns hosting a healthy family activity at the school.  This Saturday was our turn.  We decided to do family games on the field.  We ended up with only 2 families coming out, but we still were able to have some fun playing ladder ball and kick ball.

I think the kids were looking forward to more students to play with, but hopefully they had fun beating us in kick ball! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Dinner with Friends

May 13, 2011
Today was our World Impact day of prayer and fasting.  We spend the day praying and fasting (hence the name) for our ministry and each other.  It was a great day.  After we finished a few of us headed over to Janice and Judson's house for dinner with Janice's parents and some other friends.  The food was great (we probably would have eaten anything, but it really was good!!) and the company was outstanding! 

Thank you Janice and Judson for hosting a great night!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Volunteer Appreciation Lunch

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Today was Volunteer Appreciation Lunch at LACS.  The staff worked together to put on a lunch for the amazing mom and outside volunteers who come to our school daily and make it run smoothly.  We seriously could not do it without them!  Sadly, the pictures I took of the day did not actually take...I didn't have them card in my camera, and it does not have any internal memory.  I don't know why it didn't warn me while I was snapping away, but it didn't, so I don't have any pictures of the day.  : (

So instead I am putting a picture of one of the amazing lunches the moms have put on for us!  They spoil us and we love it! 

Thank you volunteers for the all that you do for us!! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Field Trip to the Natural History Museum with Butterflies

May 11, 2011
Today I got to go with the 1st grade class on a field trip to the Natural History Museum.  We are so blessed to live very close to the museum, it only takes about 5 minutes to drive there.  We had so much fun exploring the museum.  We saw all kinds of animals, dinosaurs, a rain forest, marshes and the best exhibit of all: The Butterfly Garden. 

 We were the first group in the museum!  So we took advantage and got a picture in front of the dinosaurs in the entry way.  I'm so glad we did, because it was never free again!
 We all loved seeing the dinosaurs, and acting like them!

Ms. D'Avirro's favorite animal is a polar bear, so we had to get a picture with this big guy!


In the butterfly garden there were butterflies everywhere!  Many times a butterfly would land on one of the students, and they would be so excited!  It was fun to watch them with the butterflies on them, trying to stay really still, but wanting to jump up and down. 

That was as close as I got to a butterfly landing on me... but I think I was ok with that!

We had so much fun on our field trip today! 

And we did make sure not to bring home any hitchhiking butterflies!  : )

Pioneer Woman Dinner

May 10, 2011
Tonight Steph made a Pioneer Woman recipe for dinner, and she invited me over to eat it!  It was delicious!  Meat, onions, peppers, mushrooms all mixed together in a delicious sauce, served on a french roll with melted cheese on top...yum!

Thanks Steph for a super delicious dinner!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hair Cuts = Ahhhhhhhhhh...

May 9, 2011
I FINALLY went and got my hair cut today!  It had been way too long and my hair was fried on the ends.  I love the way it feels right after a new cut.  And how come I can never get my hair to look the same as the hair dresser can?  But for today I'm enjoying the fresh feeling of my great new hair cut.  Thanks Maria!!