Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Day at Home

June 26, 2011

Today I stayed at home all day.  It was great to have a day off, to relax, to get stuff done around the house, to read and to play some Wii.  I have had a Wii for a little less than a year now, and it is always fun to play it.  I especially love to make little Mii's that look like friends and family!  Here are a few that I/we made...

My Dad

My Mom

My Nephew Luke who smiles so big his eyes close.. This really looks like him!!


This is Steph's pretend boyfriend Charlie...she made him.


Mer, with a beauty mark!

My Spanish teacher in Guatemala, Luis Fernando.  This one looks exactly like him too! : )

And last but not least...this one is me.  Hahaha!

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