Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Classroom Clean Up

August 23, 2011

Oh-boy!  There is a lot to do before the kids come back next Monday!  I have to get two classrooms ready, one for art and one for health at the middle school.  The art room shouldn't take too much work, it was used all last year, and organized by Janice, with pictures and all, but the health classroom will take a little more work.  This is a before picture to show all the piles of stuff I need to go through and organize before I put it all back together.  I keep reminding myself, it gets worse before it gets better!! 

I realize it doesn't look THAT bad in this picture.  What you don't see is all the piles and boxes on the floor behind the rows of desks, and more piles behind my desk.  It's going to take some time to get this room put together, but I know I can do it!!  After picture coming soon...

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