Thursday, September 22, 2011


September 22, 2011

At the Middle School we have something called D-Groups three days a week.  These are small discipleship groups set up in place of Bible class, which are great!  Each teacher/adult volunteer have 3-6 students who they meet with all year and go over topics related to our theme: which this year is Be/love/d (the same theme as at the elementary school).  I have three 6th grade girls in my D-group, which is really fun!  On Thursdays we have fun day, where we just get to hang out and have fun together, and my girls usually just want to write on the board and hang out in my classroom being silly, which is fine with me!  Today I made them take some pictures, which was quite an undertaking with three girls who will NOT stand still long enough for a picture to be taken!  I love my D-Group girls!!

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