Monday, August 1, 2011

Cleaning Out

August 1, 2011
I can't believe it's August!!  Wow, the year is more than half way over, but I'm still taking a picture a day, well, usually more than one picture, for my blog.  : )

Today I was finishing up some cleaning and cleaning out that I started yesterday.  One of the projects I had was to go through my CD's and get rid of the ones I don't listen to anymore.  It is kind of hard to let go of some of them, but I hardly listen to CD's anymore, so they are really just taking up valuable space, and I had to get rid of some of them.  Here is the final outcome:

It may seem like I still have quite a few, but when you consider that I had that whole rack full, and two rows across the front of the entertainment center, you can see I got rid of a lot of them.  These are just the ones I can't let go of quite yet, although I'm sure the day will come when I can!

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