Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Gathering

January 6, 2011
The first Thursday of each month we have something we call "The Gathering".  All of our Los Angeles World Impact staff comes together to eat dinner and catch up.  After dinner we have someone share a message with us.  This month we had Dr. Keith Philips with us, the founder and president of World Impact.  He began working in the inner city in 1965, and World Impact was officially launched in 1971, 40 years ago!  He shared with us an amazing vision of where we are headed in the next year and for years to come.

 There is also a friendly competition with one friend to sit in this seat every month, next to the pole.  Sadly he was not at the gathering this month, but that didn't take away my feeling of victory as I sat here tonight!  : )


  1. Oooh Dr. Keith Phillips huh? The guitarist for the stones,right? ;)
