Saturday, December 31, 2011

This is it...

December 31, 2011
Today ends my year of a picture a day.  I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by!  I'm not 100% sure I will continue on with this next year, but I think I will most likely try something new.  I have really enjoyed doing this, but I think I will enjoy even more looking back on the year and seeing all the things that have happened.  Some of the things feel like they happened years ago, not in 2011, while others feel like they just happened yesterday, but really occurred in January or February of 2011.  Time sure can play games with your memory!

I have not been feeling so great these past few days, and today everything kind of got worse.  I stayed in all day and rested, and decided not to go to a New Year's party tonight.  Instead, I'm in my pj's at home watching the New York show on TV.  And as I think back on my last 4 or 5 New Years Eve's I think I did the same thing!  Maybe this is my new tradition, we'll see what 2012 has in store!

I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions yet.  I have played with a few ideas, but haven't settled on anything.   I'm not sure I will this year.  I guess I still have a few hours to decide.  : )

I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and that 2012 brings joy and peace and love to all of you.  I pray that all of your goals are accomplished and all of your resolutions completed, and that your next year will be above and beyond anything that you could hope or imagine or dream!

Let the count down begin:








Happy 2012!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Blessing Continue

December 30, 2011
Every year we get a special Christmas gift from one of our board members and are able to go pick out some clothes from the store she owns.  It is such a blessing for all of us here on staff!  Meredith and I went today to do some shopping, and found some great deals on new jeans and leggings, shirts and dresses.  We also had fun trying on some of the looks they had in the store on display.  Here's my favorite!

It's a good look on you Mer!!  : )

Thursday, December 29, 2011


December 29, 2011
After Thanksgiving we were out shopping and I found something absolutely amazing!  The first two seasons of the original Beverly Hills 90210!  And they were only $6.00 each!  I was so excited, but have been way too busy to enjoy them so far.  Today that changed! I got to sit around all day and watch episodes of 90210 from the 90's and I loved it!  Now I'm addicted, again.  I can't get over the clothes and hair and words they use.  Wow!  I can't wait to keep watching both seasons!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Hair Courtesy of Taylar!

December 28, 2011
Today my mom and I brought Taylar down to her school for the day, spent the day in LA, went back to Taylar's school to get my hair done and then brought her home.  I got my hair colored, and I love it!  Taylar did such a great job, and I know she is going to make a great hair stylist, make-up artist and anything else she puts her mind to!  I didn't take any pictures during the process of the hair coloring, mostly because I looked funny and I think it would have embarrassed Taylar.  But I took a picture once I got home, so here it is:

I had to make a funny face, because I felt silly taking this picture.  But doesn't the color look natural and amazing?  Great job Taylar!  I'll let you do my hair any day!  
(Next time we'll try something a little more exciting!)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Day of Creativity

December 27, 2011
Today Taylar, Hannah, Georgia and I decided to have an art day.  We bought some canvasses, paint and brushes and set out to create out masterpieces!  Here's what we ended up with:

Georgia made a flower with butterflies and lady bugs for her mom, and a soccer field for her dad.  
She did a great job and definitely made her mom and dad's day with these amazing pieces of art!

Hannah took her time, and made just one amazing picture of a butterfly with animal print wings.  
She is a great artist and put so much thought and effort into this one and it shows!

Taylar said she was in her hippy mode while she painted these two amazing pieces of art.  
She is so creative and able to do anything she puts her mind to, including making great art work!

And here are mine.  I didn't finish the tree, but I plan to next week some time. 
It was a super fun day being creative with my nieces!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Walk on the Beach

December 26, 2011
Well, all year I have put in pictures and posts of the beach, reminding everyone how amazing and important it is in my life, and how blessed I am to live by it.  Today is another one of those posts!  We decided to take a walk on the beach today, and it was perfect!

Our turn around spot.  Isn't it beautiful?

Most of us walked, but one of us got a free ride most of the way back!

Getting ready to run in case of Tsunamis!  
Like I have said so many times before, Who wouldn't want to live here?!?!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

December 25, 2011

I always feel a little disappointed on Christmas night.  All the work, all the build up, all the planning and wrapping and baking and buying, and then it's over way too quickly.  But we did have a great day today and I am so thankful for the family I have and the fun times we always have together.

Taylar, Luke and Corinna in front of the tree, although you can't really see the tree...

Hannah and Georgia in their Christmas dresses and Kermit, Georgia's gift from Santa this year

The family, just acting goofy as usual!
Some highlights of the day:
1. John Wayne casserole with bread sticks and cheese for breakfast.
2. Having everyone there together for breakfast.
3. Walking to Starbucks, and finding it to be closed, even though we were all SURE they were open on Christmas day.
4. Georgia, Corinna, Luke and Taylar taking turns reading Santa Mouse out loud to us.
5. Watching Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (actually taking naps while Rudolph was playing in the background)
6. Eating lots of yummy cookies and goodies all day long
7. Watching Wolverine
8. Having a delicious Christmas dinner together

It was a great day and a great Christmas!  Thanks family for making it so special!!  I love you all very much!