Saturday, December 31, 2011

This is it...

December 31, 2011
Today ends my year of a picture a day.  I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by!  I'm not 100% sure I will continue on with this next year, but I think I will most likely try something new.  I have really enjoyed doing this, but I think I will enjoy even more looking back on the year and seeing all the things that have happened.  Some of the things feel like they happened years ago, not in 2011, while others feel like they just happened yesterday, but really occurred in January or February of 2011.  Time sure can play games with your memory!

I have not been feeling so great these past few days, and today everything kind of got worse.  I stayed in all day and rested, and decided not to go to a New Year's party tonight.  Instead, I'm in my pj's at home watching the New York show on TV.  And as I think back on my last 4 or 5 New Years Eve's I think I did the same thing!  Maybe this is my new tradition, we'll see what 2012 has in store!

I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions yet.  I have played with a few ideas, but haven't settled on anything.   I'm not sure I will this year.  I guess I still have a few hours to decide.  : )

I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and that 2012 brings joy and peace and love to all of you.  I pray that all of your goals are accomplished and all of your resolutions completed, and that your next year will be above and beyond anything that you could hope or imagine or dream!

Let the count down begin:








Happy 2012!

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