Friday, December 9, 2011

Sponsor Christmas Cards

December 9, 2011

Over the past month the elementary school students have been working on Christmas cards for their sponsors.  It has been a BIG job, even though I tried to keep them simple.  Each student in grades K-8 has 3-5 sponsors, and they have to make a card for each of them.  It sounds easy enough, but once you get in there and start doing it, it's not so easy.

Today I finally handed over all of the cards to Chris, who put them in their envelopes and sent them off!  It felt great to be done with them, and I was proud of the kids for the hard work they put into them.  I'm sure their sponsors will love them!

PS: this picture doesn't do justice to the amount of cards there actually were, but I forgot to take a picture until they were already in the envelopes.

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