Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve!  I can't believe it is here so soon!  This morning my mom, Gina and I kept our tradition of going out early in the morning and getting stocking stuff.  We started it quite a few years ago now, and save the majority of our stocking purchases for Christmas Eve morning.
Tonight we went over to my brother's house for dinner and Christmas fun.  We had a great time hanging out with family and eating yummy food and playing our traditional Christmas game (which Taylar won this year)!

The ladies of the family

And the boys representing.  They are few, but you couldn't ask for three better men!

And Taylar, victorious after "The Game".

After that we had to rush home and get to bed so that Santa would come!  More Christmas fun in the morning!!

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