Saturday, December 31, 2011

This is it...

December 31, 2011
Today ends my year of a picture a day.  I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by!  I'm not 100% sure I will continue on with this next year, but I think I will most likely try something new.  I have really enjoyed doing this, but I think I will enjoy even more looking back on the year and seeing all the things that have happened.  Some of the things feel like they happened years ago, not in 2011, while others feel like they just happened yesterday, but really occurred in January or February of 2011.  Time sure can play games with your memory!

I have not been feeling so great these past few days, and today everything kind of got worse.  I stayed in all day and rested, and decided not to go to a New Year's party tonight.  Instead, I'm in my pj's at home watching the New York show on TV.  And as I think back on my last 4 or 5 New Years Eve's I think I did the same thing!  Maybe this is my new tradition, we'll see what 2012 has in store!

I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions yet.  I have played with a few ideas, but haven't settled on anything.   I'm not sure I will this year.  I guess I still have a few hours to decide.  : )

I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and that 2012 brings joy and peace and love to all of you.  I pray that all of your goals are accomplished and all of your resolutions completed, and that your next year will be above and beyond anything that you could hope or imagine or dream!

Let the count down begin:








Happy 2012!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Blessing Continue

December 30, 2011
Every year we get a special Christmas gift from one of our board members and are able to go pick out some clothes from the store she owns.  It is such a blessing for all of us here on staff!  Meredith and I went today to do some shopping, and found some great deals on new jeans and leggings, shirts and dresses.  We also had fun trying on some of the looks they had in the store on display.  Here's my favorite!

It's a good look on you Mer!!  : )

Thursday, December 29, 2011


December 29, 2011
After Thanksgiving we were out shopping and I found something absolutely amazing!  The first two seasons of the original Beverly Hills 90210!  And they were only $6.00 each!  I was so excited, but have been way too busy to enjoy them so far.  Today that changed! I got to sit around all day and watch episodes of 90210 from the 90's and I loved it!  Now I'm addicted, again.  I can't get over the clothes and hair and words they use.  Wow!  I can't wait to keep watching both seasons!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Hair Courtesy of Taylar!

December 28, 2011
Today my mom and I brought Taylar down to her school for the day, spent the day in LA, went back to Taylar's school to get my hair done and then brought her home.  I got my hair colored, and I love it!  Taylar did such a great job, and I know she is going to make a great hair stylist, make-up artist and anything else she puts her mind to!  I didn't take any pictures during the process of the hair coloring, mostly because I looked funny and I think it would have embarrassed Taylar.  But I took a picture once I got home, so here it is:

I had to make a funny face, because I felt silly taking this picture.  But doesn't the color look natural and amazing?  Great job Taylar!  I'll let you do my hair any day!  
(Next time we'll try something a little more exciting!)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Day of Creativity

December 27, 2011
Today Taylar, Hannah, Georgia and I decided to have an art day.  We bought some canvasses, paint and brushes and set out to create out masterpieces!  Here's what we ended up with:

Georgia made a flower with butterflies and lady bugs for her mom, and a soccer field for her dad.  
She did a great job and definitely made her mom and dad's day with these amazing pieces of art!

Hannah took her time, and made just one amazing picture of a butterfly with animal print wings.  
She is a great artist and put so much thought and effort into this one and it shows!

Taylar said she was in her hippy mode while she painted these two amazing pieces of art.  
She is so creative and able to do anything she puts her mind to, including making great art work!

And here are mine.  I didn't finish the tree, but I plan to next week some time. 
It was a super fun day being creative with my nieces!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Walk on the Beach

December 26, 2011
Well, all year I have put in pictures and posts of the beach, reminding everyone how amazing and important it is in my life, and how blessed I am to live by it.  Today is another one of those posts!  We decided to take a walk on the beach today, and it was perfect!

Our turn around spot.  Isn't it beautiful?

Most of us walked, but one of us got a free ride most of the way back!

Getting ready to run in case of Tsunamis!  
Like I have said so many times before, Who wouldn't want to live here?!?!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

December 25, 2011

I always feel a little disappointed on Christmas night.  All the work, all the build up, all the planning and wrapping and baking and buying, and then it's over way too quickly.  But we did have a great day today and I am so thankful for the family I have and the fun times we always have together.

Taylar, Luke and Corinna in front of the tree, although you can't really see the tree...

Hannah and Georgia in their Christmas dresses and Kermit, Georgia's gift from Santa this year

The family, just acting goofy as usual!
Some highlights of the day:
1. John Wayne casserole with bread sticks and cheese for breakfast.
2. Having everyone there together for breakfast.
3. Walking to Starbucks, and finding it to be closed, even though we were all SURE they were open on Christmas day.
4. Georgia, Corinna, Luke and Taylar taking turns reading Santa Mouse out loud to us.
5. Watching Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (actually taking naps while Rudolph was playing in the background)
6. Eating lots of yummy cookies and goodies all day long
7. Watching Wolverine
8. Having a delicious Christmas dinner together

It was a great day and a great Christmas!  Thanks family for making it so special!!  I love you all very much!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve!  I can't believe it is here so soon!  This morning my mom, Gina and I kept our tradition of going out early in the morning and getting stocking stuff.  We started it quite a few years ago now, and save the majority of our stocking purchases for Christmas Eve morning.
Tonight we went over to my brother's house for dinner and Christmas fun.  We had a great time hanging out with family and eating yummy food and playing our traditional Christmas game (which Taylar won this year)!

The ladies of the family

And the boys representing.  They are few, but you couldn't ask for three better men!

And Taylar, victorious after "The Game".

After that we had to rush home and get to bed so that Santa would come!  More Christmas fun in the morning!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Future Project

December 23, 2011
More Christmas shopping today, and while I was out I found something that inspired me to be creative in the near future.  This picture would be perfect in my kitchen area, but so easily reproducible.  Now I'm in the mood to find a big canvass and get painting!  Maybe after Christmas...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Great Finds from Earlier Times

December 22, 2011
While out and about I found an amazing hat, that reminded me of a great find Marilyn and I bought some years ago.  We had those robber hoods with white fur all around the face opening, and we actually bought them and wore them at times.  This is very similar to what we looked like back then.

I can't believe we wore these, and that they still have them for sale!  Oh-boy!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Going Home for the Holidays

December 21, 2011

Today I headed out to Ventura to be with  my family for Christmas.  I am so thankful to be close enough to just drive to my family's for holidays and special occasions.  I know so many of my friends have to fly, and I just get to drive up the coast, on a beautiful drive, to get home.  I am so lucky to live here and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
Who wouldn't want to live here?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Breakfast

December 20, 2011

Today Janice, Leah, Steph, Mer and I went out to breakfast before we all headed off to our families for Christmas.  It was fun to be together and we ate the most amazing pancakes at The Griddle.  And when I say pancakes, you don't understand what I mean, these were more like dessert than breakfast and they were delicious!

Merry Christmas friends!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Baking Day

December 19, 2011
Today was baking day at my house.  I made some Christmas cookies and fudge.  I wanted to make more, but my family already has a bunch of chocolate chip and sugar cookies, so I just supplemented their supplies. Yum!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Surprise Revealed

December 18, 2011
The Froman family took off for Wicked this morning, with the girls still not knowing where they were going for their Christmas surprise.  It was fun trying to trick them, telling them all kinds of places they may be going.  My brother said they were SO excited when they finally found out what the surprise was!  I love it!  I got this picture off of Gina's facebook of the girls in the theater, excited for the play to start.  So cute!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Visitors

December 17, 2011

Today my brother, sister-in-law and nieces came to visit for a Christmas surprise for Hannah and Georgia.  They are going to see Wicked tomorrow as one of their Christmas gifts!  But today we went to Pasadena to eat at Mijares and walk around Old Town.  It was fun having them here, even all crammed into my little apartment.

Hannah and Georgia in front of some decorations in Pasadena.

Friday, December 16, 2011


December 16, 2011

Tonight I went to dinner and Karaoke with my sister and her co-workers.  It was a great group of people to hang out with and we all had a lot of fun!  It was so fun seeing my sister rap an Eminem song and singing along at the top of our lungs to all the songs the others sang.

So much fun!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Festivities

December 15, 2011

Today at school we had a D-group Christmas party with the other 6th grade girl D-group.  We had ice cream sundaes with lots of yummy toppings.  We also had lots of fun hanging out and laughing together.

After school Mer, Leah, Steph and I had a quick hot cocoa and gift exchange party.  It was fun to be together and give each other gifts.  I love these girls!

All of our gifts to exchange!  It's so pretty!!

And it started raining while we were enjoying our hot cocoa, so we had to run out and see it!  

After our hot cocoa party we headed over to our World Impact Christmas Party.  It was a great night celebrating Jesus' birth together as a whole staff.  Sadly I didn't take any pictures at the Gathering.   But it was still fun celebrating all day long!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Baby Asher

December 14, 2011

Tonight Steph and I made dinner for the Cummings to welcome baby Asher into the world!  He was born on December 4, and is adorable!!  It was fun to go over and spend a little time with Danielle and the boys (and I actually stole this picture from Danielle's facebook because I forgot to bring my camera!).

Asher with his big brother Dante.  So cute!!  Welcome to the world little Asher!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

LACS Christmas Party

December 13, 2011

Tonight was the school Christmas party.  We got to go to the Cheesecake Factory at the Grove, which was so much fun!  We had a huge group and we had lots of fun!

A few of us went a little early and hung out at the Grove, taking in the beauty of the amazing decorations they had all  around the place. 

After dinner it snowed!!  

The whole crowd after dinner and enjoying the Grove!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Open Day

December 12, 2011

Christmas season is really busy around here, as it is for most people.  So it is very strange to have a day off, with nothing on the calendar.  But, today is that day!!  It felt good to be free and clear for just one day.  Now, bring on the Holidays!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Tea

December 11, 2011

Today Julie and the Raymond House hosted a Christmas Tea.  Julie has been doing this for years now, and it is always really fun. This year was no exception.

I was the first one here, and got to hang out with the hostesses for awhile.

But soon there were quite a few of us and we all had a great time!
Thanks Julie and the Raymond House!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

LACS Christmas Toy Store

December 10, 2011

Today was our annual Christmas Toy Store at LACS.  I love the toy store, it is a time where all the parents of our students can come and buy Christmas presents for their children at a super low cost.  We get all the gifts donated, have gift wrappers who will wrap them up after the parents buy them, child care so kids don't see their Christmas gifts, and lots of fellowship within the school family.  It was a great day and a big success.  And I'm exhausted!

Here they are, shopping away!

 And my family came to volunteer!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sponsor Christmas Cards

December 9, 2011

Over the past month the elementary school students have been working on Christmas cards for their sponsors.  It has been a BIG job, even though I tried to keep them simple.  Each student in grades K-8 has 3-5 sponsors, and they have to make a card for each of them.  It sounds easy enough, but once you get in there and start doing it, it's not so easy.

Today I finally handed over all of the cards to Chris, who put them in their envelopes and sent them off!  It felt great to be done with them, and I was proud of the kids for the hard work they put into them.  I'm sure their sponsors will love them!

PS: this picture doesn't do justice to the amount of cards there actually were, but I forgot to take a picture until they were already in the envelopes.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Lunchoen

December 8, 2011

Today I was invited to a Christmas Luncheon at The Church at Rocky Peak.  It was a great time to spend with some amazing women who support our school and World Impact so much.  They had a gift exchange, where they gave us gifts and exchanged them with each other, we sang Christmas carols, ate some great food and had lots of fun together!

Marlene and Mary, the hostess of the great party.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Flash Back!

December 7, 2011
Yesterday on Facebook my aunt posted this picture:

Haha!  It's my second grade class picture.  Amazing!  I'm in the second row, the first person,  With the big blue dress on.  It's so funny to see this and remember all the people who were in my classes over the years.  Thanks Heidi for taking me down memory lane. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Toy Store Set Up

December 6, 2011

Today we set up for the Christmas Toy Store in the gym.  It was so great to have everyone pitch in to help, and it got done pretty quickly with all hands on deck!  Now we just wait for the rest of the toys to come in and we're ready for Sat.!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Goody Bags

December 5, 2011

Every year the Church at Rocky Peak sends us Christmas Cookie bags, filled with different types of cookies, fruit and peanuts.  It is so nice to get this treat each year, it is something we look forward to every Christmas!

As you can see, we get spoiled!  Yum!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Birthday Brunch for Michelle

December 4, 2011
Today we escaped the city and entered into a magical world called Calamigos Ranch.  It felt like Narnia!  We had a great time celebrating Michelle and relaxing away from the city.

The whole group, in front of the lake.  

And the whole place was decorated for Christmas.  It really was a magical fairy world!
Happy Birthday Michelle!!