Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Cars and Strawberry Pies

April 23, 2011
Today my sister got a new car!!


She was very excited and took us all on drives around the neighborhood.  All of my nieces were also very excited and got in to play right away...

I don't think Georgia should be driving any time soon!!  : )

They all gave the new car a big thumbs up!!  (sorry, both of these pictures were taken through the window, so they are not that great, but the girls all look so cute, I had to use them still...)

Later on I was making some strawberry pies, and Hannah and Georgia decided to help.

Hannah whipped up the whipped cream (in a cool Tupperware whipper that worked great!!) and had a little taste. 

Georgia used the mixer and mixed everything together.  She did a great job!!  She had plenty of tastes too, but you can't see it on her face yet. 

Hooray for the pie makers!!

And hooray for the pie!!

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