Sunday, April 10, 2011

Quick Trip to Disneyland

April 10, 2011
Quick trip to Disneyland where we tried to do some of the things we have never done before.  We started off in California Adventure, and walked around the back way to see what was over there, and found nothing, except the smoking area...sad!  We ended up at Tower of Terror:

Then we went to Disneyland and walked through the innovations building.  I can honestly say I had never been in that building, at least that I remember, and I don't think I really need to go back.  The home of the future is pretty much the home of today, except for the cool recipe thing, that talks to you and tells you how to make a recipe.
When we took our number picture, a lady walked by and glared at us, as if we were flashing gang signs, so don't worry, we are not gangsters, just showing how many times we gone to Disneyland with our pass this year.   : )

Also, on our drive down to Anaheim, I saw another cool shaped cloud, what do you see in this one?!?!

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