Friday, February 11, 2011

The Celebration Continues

February 11, 2011
Tonight Marilyn and I got to celebrate our birthdays together!  We went to our favorite nacho place, Mijares in Pasadena.  It was so good and it had been way too long since we had been there.  Sadly, the waiter took our picture and it came out kind of blurry... 
After finishing our wonderful dinner we tried to decide on what kind of dessert we wanted for our birthday celebration.  We thought that we really wanted some of the yummy desserts from Alcove, but Alcove isn't anywhere near Mijares...
...we decided to live life on the edge, we didn't care how far away it was, we were going to Alcove!  Once we got there, with just one minor set back; a wrong turn which led us on a beautiful night drive through Griffith Park, we ordered three desserts (My favorite: the black and white mousse cake, carrot cake, and a chocolate bundt cake).  They were all sooooo good!
We were happy and full. Fun night with a fun friend and some delicious food, it can't get any better than that!
My week of celebration is close to an end...I'm not sure if I can go back to eating desserts just once a week!

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