Monday, February 14, 2011

Parent Date Night

February 14, 2011
Tonight we had a Valentine's Dinner at school for the parents of our students.  It was so great to see all who came to the dinner having a wonderful date night.  We had tables for two, or group tables: the parent's got to decide which tables they wanted to sit at, and child care in the gym so they could have a romantic dinner without their children! 
The CC looked amazing, like a fancy restaurant.  Sadly I didn't take many pictures of the ambiance, because I wanted pictures of the people.  But it was beautiful in there!
Laura and Jen were our wonderful greeters/seaters/hostesses.  They had this cute area to stand in and welcome the guests.  They did a great job!
All of our staff pitched in to make this night extra special for our parents.  We had servers, dish washers, child care workers, and runners who helped with just about anything!  Everyone did a great job and we had a great first LACS Parent Valentine Date Night. <3

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