Saturday, February 12, 2011

Girls Night Out

February 12, 2011
 Tonight we had a girls night out, technically to celebrate Valentine's Day all together, but really because Mike is out of town and he wanted Mer to do something fun with us girls while he was gone.  We went to a Mexican food restaurant called Garden of Taxco.  It was pretty amazing.  First of all there are no menus, there is just one man who goes from table to table to tell you what there is to eat, so you better listen up!   You get to choose beef, chicken or fish, with different types of sauces or seasonings, which are not hot, they're spiiiiiiiiiicy.  Your meals come with 5 courses.
First course: quesadilla with guacamole.
Second course: Albondigas soup
Thrid course: Chicken enchilada or beef taquito, depending on the meat that you ordered for your main dish.
 Fourth course: your main meat choice with beans and rice or veggies.  Mer and Steph got chicken, Leah got beef and I got fish, we all tasted each others and they were all really good!
Fifth course: banana's in banana whipped cream for dessert.  Super tastey!  
 Since it was the last day of my birthday celebration week, the girls let our waiters know, and they came over and sang the traditional Mexican birthday song, and happy birthday, with lots of enthusiasm and a little extra spice.  : )
We even got an extra dessert treat!  It was such a fun night, laughing and having fun with the girls.  Thanks Mike for treating us to such a great night out!  

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