Friday, September 30, 2011

Triple D

September 30, 2011

Today at school we had Triple D.  No one can really remember what the three D's stand for, but it's something with dining and discipleship and something else...
Triple D is when all the Discipleship groups get together to eat lunch, play some games and have a time of teaching.  The kids LOVE it!  And it was really fun today!
We had lunch with the other 6th grade girls D Group:

And we played a game!  Can you tell what game they are playing?

Musical're never too old to enjoy a good game of musical chairs!  : )

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Transformers 3

September 29, 2011

Tonight went to see Transformers 3, finally!!  It was really good, and we only paid $3.00 to see it!  I love the cheap theater in Pasadena!  And I love Optimus Prime.  I think he should be our president! : )

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

1st Grade Art Class

September 28, 2011

Today was first grade art class.  This class is so cute!  They're quite a handful, but they seem to love art, so they have a good time in art class.  Today we started a project using water colors.  It was quite a fun experience!  Can't wait to finish up the projects next week!  : )

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Middle School Class Pictures

Sepember 27, 2011

Today was middle school class picture day, again.  And once again, there were kids missing in two of the three classes.  The only class that was all here was 7th grade, so they got their class picture taken, and here they are:

So cute!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

I Hablo U

September 26, 2011

This semester I am taking a community Spanish class called I Hablo U.  It is a great program that matches up Spanish learners with English learners, so everyone can practice and help each other learn their new language.  I really like the community session, where we pair up and talk for half the time in English and half the time in Spanish.  The class is on Monday and Tuesday nights, which is a little hard to do, but I'm trying it for this semester, and we'll see if I want to keep going for another semester.  This is a picture of the book and some work we were doing in class tonight.  Hopefully I can take some better pictures with some of the people in them in the future.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Day of Rest

September 25, 2011

Today I finally had a day to stay home and rest up for the busy weeks/month to come.  It was nice to have a day off.  I ended the day going to church with Janice and Judson.  It was a great service and fun spending some time with them.  We stayed after service to get some coffee at the cafe that the church has.  Here they are sitting at the cafe!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Moving Day for Mer and Mike

September 24, 2011

Today Mike and Mer moved from downtown LA to Burbank!  A few of us went over to the new house with Mer to help clean and get stuff ready for the movers to bring the big furniture.  Mer was amazingly organized, with lists for us to take for each room or area of the house, with everything that needed to be done in that place. 

Here we are with our lists, and the amazing coffee cake Mer's mom made for us for breakfast!

I worked on the outside list, cleaning up the back yard and around the pool, and planting some flowers in the flower boxes in the front.

They're all ready for the movers, who didn't show up until after we left.  I think they are going to love living  in this great house!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ministry Day Trip to the Fair

September 23, 2011

Today we had a ministry day, a day off to spend time with our students.  A group of teachers decided to take some of our students to the LA County Fair.  It was a fun day, seeing Smokey Bear, Chinese Acrobats, Pig Races (along with puppy races and sheep races), going on some rides, and eating lots of fried fair food!  I think the girls had a great time, and I know we all came home exhausted (and a little sick to our stomachs), so I think it was a successful trip to the fair!

My D-Group girls and I on the tractor

All the teachers who went to the fair

The whole group, just before we headed home

Thursday, September 22, 2011


September 22, 2011

At the Middle School we have something called D-Groups three days a week.  These are small discipleship groups set up in place of Bible class, which are great!  Each teacher/adult volunteer have 3-6 students who they meet with all year and go over topics related to our theme: which this year is Be/love/d (the same theme as at the elementary school).  I have three 6th grade girls in my D-group, which is really fun!  On Thursdays we have fun day, where we just get to hang out and have fun together, and my girls usually just want to write on the board and hang out in my classroom being silly, which is fine with me!  Today I made them take some pictures, which was quite an undertaking with three girls who will NOT stand still long enough for a picture to be taken!  I love my D-Group girls!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


September 21, 2011

Oh-boy!!  Today I was introduced to the newest thing that is going to suck all my time away!  It's called Pinterest.  It's a web site where you make these boards, and pin things to them that you like.  That's it.  There is nothing else to it.  You put everything you like on your boards, and you look to see what everyone else on pintrest likes.  It seems so simple and not too interesting, but you would not believe how many hours you can sit and categorize the things you like and snoop into other peoples lives to see what they like.  I didn't think I would like it, or be interested at all, but I'm already addicted. 

I saw this funny quote on someones board that I loved:
"Thank you Pintrest for helping me feel creative, even though I've just been sitting at my computer for the last three hours." 

Hahahahaha!  That is exactly what happens....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Keep Growing

September 20, 2011

Today I was cleaning up around my apartment (there is TONS of dust everywhere because they are renovating the apartment right above me), and I noticed how big my beautiful plant has grown!  I have it sitting on top of my book case, and the vines are growing down the side of it.  When I first put it up there, it didn't really hang down at all, but now it would reach half way to the ground (if it was growing straight).  So fun!!  I love my little house plants!

Monday, September 19, 2011


September 19, 2011

On Friday Britney and I started a game of Skyscraper in her math class.  It is a fun game that reviews multiplication facts.  We didn't get to finish it on Friday so we played some more today and Britney won! Yay!!  Here we are holding our papers up, hers is completely filled in (I think I still needed two more)! Way to go Britney!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Exploring Little Tokyo

September 18, 2011

Last week Grace asked me if I wanted to join some others in a Scavenger Hunt around Little Tokyo on Sunday.  Well, today was Sunday and Grace, Laura, Bryan and I had lots of fun running around the city looking for clues and answering questions about Little Tokyo.  It was another interesting way to learn more about the city I live in, while having a lot of fun at the same time.  Unfortunately we did not win (there were 50 other teams!!), but that's ok with me.  We got some extra points if we took silly pictures around the area, so we have some great souvenirs of our time today. 

We had to take a picture in one of the stores with Hello Kitty stuff: 

We had to take a picture showing this statue some love:

And we had to take a picture doing some Kung Fu moves in front of this tower:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bike Riding, Pink Flip-Flops and Football

September 17, 2011

Today we FINALLY did our second round of the "Urban Photo Experience", where we bicycle around LA, taking pictures.  We combined it with a street fair in Hollywood, so we were out on our bikes for about three hours.  It was great, although I didn't take very many pictures, I just wasn't feeling it today for some reason.  But I did have my shoe break right in the middle of our ride, so I had to ride for a bit with only one shoe, until we came upon a swap meet and Laura ran in to find me some amazing new flip-flops...
It was a good trip in all:

The beginning of our trip, stopping to take some pictures

The new shoes Laura found for me for $1.00 (plus .50 to get into the swap meet)

Bryan going through the drive through on his bike... they did not let us do this in college in Thousand Oaks!  Living in the city has some perks... : )

Right as I was walking in my door after riding bikes for three + hours, I got a text from Tracy asking if I wanted to go to the USC football game, because she had an extra free ticket.  I said of course!!  And hopped back on my bike to meet her and watch the game.  We had lots of fun cheering on USC, and they were winning by A LOT, so we left after they lit the Olympic torch, to try to beat some of the crowd.  It was a full, fun-filled day!!  Thanks Bryan, Laura and Bob for the great bike adventure, and thanks to Tracy for the ticket to the game!

Friday, September 16, 2011

ES Chapels

September 16, 2011

Every Friday at the Elementary School we have Chapel.  It is a great way to end our week together as a school.  Each week one class is assigned chapel, which means they put on the whole thing; flag salutes, offering, worship, memory verses and a presentation teaching us something about the theme for the year.  This  year's theme is: Be/love/d.  Which can be read, beloved, be loved, loved, love, or any other way you can see.  It is reminding us God loves us, and we are to love God and others.  So, it's a great theme for the year!  Today was the first week a class took charge of chapel, and 5th grade started us off on an amazing foot!  They taught us about how much God loved us from the very beginning, during creation, the amazing planet  he made for us to live in, and how he wouldn't let us be here until everything was finished and perfect for his beloved creation.  They did a great job!  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Good Book

September 15, 2011

I have been wanting a good book to read lately, and I was loaned this one.

It was a quick read, and a cute story.  It is also a good reminder of what we have to look forward to.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Actually, It's a Mallard

September 14, 2011

Yesterday Leah was wearing a sticker to our after school meeting, so I commented on how I liked her duck sticker and she informed me, "Actually, it's a mallard."  Then she gave me her sticker!  : )  Here it is on my water bottle, the famous mallard sticker.  Thanks Leah!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Traffic Court

September 13, 2011

Today I had to go to court to fight my ticket.  It was just the first step, but I was sooooo nervous!  I had to go before a judge and say whether I was guilty or not guilty.  It was over in seconds, but I was shaking as I walked away!  I have to go back November 1 to have my actual "trial".  We'll see if I get out of paying or not.  The picture I took is not very good, because I wasn't really supposed to be taking pictures. : )  This was standing in line at the cashier's office, waiting to pay my bail (yep, that's right, I am out on bail) .  It's serious business here in traffic court!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Everyone Loves Stickers

September 12, 2011

I have always loved stickers, I think it's one of the reasons I became a teacher (that and the cool pens and pencils, sharpies, markers and high lighters).  Today I found a funny sticker and decided to put it on my camera case, not sure why, but here it is:

I know, random, but it's just a random kind of day today... : )

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Renewed and Refreshed

September 11, 2011

On this day of lots of sadness and remembering, I had the chance to go to a follow up meeting with Joe Johnson, from the Deep Wounds Deep Healing conference I attended a few months ago.  It was such an amazing afternoon, it was exactly what I needed!  We had a chance to ask some questions and talk through some things we had learned, then we had a prayer time together that was so refreshing, and encouraging and life-giving.  I loved it!  I hope that there will be many more opportunities for all of us to keep learning in this area and experiencing the love and care of God in our lives!  I didn't take a picture of the meeting, it didn't seem right to take out my camera at that time, so this is the best I could do...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bean Pot!

September 10, 2011
Many, many years ago a bunch of us in my family bought these bean pots.  Ceremac pots that you can cook in, on the stove, in the oven, in the microwave... it is an amazing thing!  All those years ago, I lived at the Raymond house, and when I moved, over 6 years ago now, I left my bean pot there.  When I was over there the other day, I saw my bean pot and was so very excited to get it back!  I haven't made anything in it yet, but I'm planning to use it very soon!  : )

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Huddle

September 9, 2011

Every Friday we have "The Huddle" at the middle school, which is a really fun time for all the kids to come together and play games and discuss what God has been teaching us in D Groups throughout the week.  We usually team up with the other 6th grade D group so all the 6th grade girls are on the same team.  We usually don't win any of the games, but we sure do have fun playing together!  This is the 6th grade girls team, not the best picture, but they don't sit still for very long, so it's the best I could do!  : )

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Count Down Has Begun

September 8, 2011

I have a count down gadget on my google home page, and I started the count down to Christmas Break on the first day of school.  Today we have 100 days until Christmas Break!  I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by (not the school year, but the calendar year).  I love my count down gadget, as soon as Christmas break arrives I'll plug in the last day of school, and the count down will continue!  : )

Sorry!  This picture has those lines from taking a picture of the computer, so weird how it does that!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jumping In With Both Feet!

September 7, 2011

Well, today's art class was MUCH different than yesterdays!  I had the first and second grade classes combined.  The second grade will usually come on Mondays, but because we had Monday off, they came today with their first grade buddies.  And all I can say is, "WOW!!"  I'm not going to do that again!  These kids are adorable and fun, but they are a little crazy when they are in a new or different environment.  We still had fun, and they all got their puzzle pieces colored, so hopefully by next week I can hang the poster up and move on to some fun art projects with the classes. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of Art Class

September 6, 2011

Today we started art classes at the elementary school.  It was fun to be with the 5th grade class, and a great way to transition into teaching the little ones again, since they're not so little!  We are working on a big poster for the school.  Each student got a piece of the "puzzle" to color in, then I'll put it all back together and we'll hang it up!  This class was so much fun, trying to guess what the poster says.  But they will have to wait until it's hung up to find out!
Here are a few of the kids coloring away:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Game Day

September 5, 2011

Grace and Bryan hosted a game marathon today.  It was scheduled from 12 noon to night time (no ending time, just in case it went all night).  I didn't go for the whole day, but showed up around 2 and hung out for a couple of hours playing Monopoly Deal.  We took a dinner break around 5 and headed over to the Peter's house for a Labor Day BBQ with friends.  It was super fun to be with the Peters!  I didn't get any pictures of game playing, but I got one or two at dinner.

This one is my favorite!  I was sitting with Elijah while he ate his ice cream, and he was showing me how he could eat it with no hands.  Truly amazing!!  : )

And my other favorite, some of the group who was over for dinner.  Thanks Peter's for hosting a delicious dinner and break from the game day! : )

Sunday, September 4, 2011


September 4, 2011

I have had an ongoing battle with ants lately, and I am soooo over it!  They have been invading my kitchen and my bathroom!  I guess they are looking for water, but I don't care, they are driving me crazy!!  I don't have any ant spray, but I do have Windex, which works just as well, I guess.  It kills the ants, but it sure doesn't keep them from coming back.  I tried to take a picture of the ants, but it just grossed me out, so instead I have my weapon of warfare against the little enemy that just won't seem to leave me alone!  I have used almost the whole bottle on these little suckers.  Hopefully they will move back outside soon!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fun Day Out with Jan

September 3, 2011

Today I got to have a fun day with Janice!  We went to see The Help, even though I had already seen it!  I LOVED it, even the second time.  I cried through most of it, just thinking that this stuff really happened in our country, not even that long ago.  I know we have a long way to go still, but I am so thankful for the progress we have made in racial reconciliation.  I pray that it will continue to to progress, with all people groups and nationalities. 

Anyway, Janice and I tried out the re-opened theater that used to be the Magic Johnson AMC theater on Crenshaw.  It was pretty shady before, and always an adventure to go see a movie there.  It is now called RAVE Theater, and it seemed like they did a lot of work on it to make it nice.  We went to a day showing, so it was pretty mellow.  We'll see, I just like that the theater is so much closer than most of the other theaters I would usually go to.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Picture Day!!

September 2, 2011

Today was picture day at the elementary school! It is so funny trying to get these little ones to smile and sit up straight and tilt their heads just the right way and not raise their shoulders, and keep smiling!! It takes a lot of energy to repeat, "OK, SMILE!! Keep smiling!! That's great, looking good, keep smiling, look right here! Yep, look at me, not at your classmates being silly behind me. That's great!! Keep Smiling!!"
Phew...I'm exhausted! Thankfully it got easier as I worked through the grades and got to the older students. Here are a few of my favorites:

One of our kindergarten students.  They are so little, the are almost not in the picture!! : )

One of our 4th grade students.  She did a great job following directions!

And of course we had to take the teacher's pictures too!  I love that they wanted to sit in the desk too!

P.S. These have not been edited or played with yet, so don't judge too badly on the quality!  They will be better!