Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Georgia the Birthday Girl

March 2, 2011
Today is my niece Georgia's birthday!  I can't believe this little baby is 6 years old!! 
It has been so much fun watching her grow up.  She has such a fun personality, that showed up right away, and has continued to surprise us every day.
She loves her big sister, Hannah.  They are so cute together, many times fighting as only sisters can, but always loving each other!

Her adorable smile can light up any room!
And her silly personality makes us laugh all the time!  
She is a dare-devil, not afraid of anything!  She had so much fun on all of the rides at Disneyland...the higher the better!!
And she is a SUPER soccer player!  She made at least one goal in just about every game she played this last season!!
I can't believe she is growing up so fast!  I love you Georgia!  Happy Birthday!!

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