Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Do You Lose A Picture...

March 9, 2011
Tonight as I was uploading my picture for today, I decided to clean off my memory card from my camera.  Instead of deleting the old pictures one at a time, I started deleting groups of pictures that I have already saved on my computer and on my external hard drive (I don't want to lose pictures!!).  I did a pretty good job cleaning off my memory card, so most pictures are now erased from my camera, and it feels good to have a semi-clean slate.  BUT now I can't find the picture I took for today, and it was so cute!!  Meredith was out after school with a bunch of the girls from her class and they were all doing her hair, at the same time.  I got a picture of all of them and was going to use that for today's picture, but now I can't seem to find it anywhere, not even in the recycle bin... Boo!!!!  That's why I don't like to clean up my "piles", even my digital piles, I can always find things in the piles, but when I clean them up, something goes missing.

Anyway, I had to just pick a random picture to put on my blog for today:

This is a picture of Marilyn and me.  She is one of my oldest and dearest friends... : )  She got GREAT news yesterday that she is free of a back brace she has been wearing since November, when she fell off of a horse and broke her back.  It is such a miracle that she is walking and doing great, and now she can start getting back to normal without the brace she has been in since the accident.  I am soooo happy for her and thought I would celebrate her healing by putting her picture up today!

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