Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Dreamed A Dream Of Time Gone By

June 14, 2011
Les Mis... I really don't need to say anything more.  It was amazing! We took some really funny pictures, not on purpose.  We tried to get a good one, but they kept ending up looking funny!  Here's what we ended up with:

Not too bad.  This was before the show.  We were so excited!!

This is the stage during intermission.  I had already cried at least 3 times at this point...

We tried a self portrait, but apparently my arms are not long enough!  Not so good.

Then we asked some lady to take it for us, but the lights went down to start the second half, so it is kind of funny and we are all scrambling to get back into our seats... Plus no flash and Sara is hidden behind me!

Outside after the show we decided to try another self-portrait in front of the huge sign, didn't work again.  We all look really white, and you can't see the sign.

Finally some kind soul took our picture, and I guess this one is ok.  You can't really see the sign still, but it will have to do! 

Such a great show, with an amazing story!  I left feeling exhilarated and inspired (and marching while singing a lot of great songs in my head)! 

"Do you hear the people sing, singing the songs of angry men?  It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again.  When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes."   Just give me a flag to wave!!  : )

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