Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

July 4, 2011

I don't really love fire works, they are too noisy to be worth it for me.  Hearing them right outside my windows all night for a few months leading up to the 4th and a few months after is not my favorite thing either!  But, I guess it's just part of living in the city.  That, along with the fact that I have been gone for the last week at camp and in Ventura, helped me to decide that I wanted to stay in tonight instead of face the crowds and watch a fire works show somewhere, which was a really nice decision!  But, I did go out this morning to meet Janice, catch-up and have coffee together.  We met at Coffee Bean, and sat out on the patio for two hours.  It was a beautiful day and a great time with my good friend!  Hooray for holidays with nothing to do but spend time with friends!

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