Tuesday, July 19, 2011

San Francisco Tourists

July 19, 2011

Today I was a San Francisco tourist with Jenn and Rob.  It was so great to be with people again after a week of being by myself!  We had so much fun riding our bikes across the Golden Gate Bridge, driving down Lombard Street, and hanging out near Ghiradelli Square.  Then we got to go see the last Harry Potter movie.  It was a perfect day!!

When we started it was super foggy, and you couldn't really see anything off the bridge.

But by the time we got to the other side of the bridge it was pretty clear and so beautiful!

I took this picture while riding...I didn't realize it was zoomed in!  But my forehead and robs body on his bike make a great picture (this is actually my favorite picture of the day because it was so funny!  I also almost died while taking it, because some people walked in front of me and I had to slam on my breaks with only one hand on the handle bars.  I completely slid off my seat, but somehow managed to stay on my bike, phew!!!)

We did it!  And we had one of the famous bridge painters take our picture when we finished!

Our next stop was Lombard Street!  We drove down, what an amazing view!

And then got out to take some pictures and walk down to the beach area.

These were the hills we had to walk down, and then back up!

But we got to meet the Ghiradelli sundae girl...?  So I guess it was all worth it! : )

That was our sight seeing of San Francisco.  I had already been to most of the other famous land marks, and I really just wanted to hang out with Jenn and Rob, so I could do that anywhere!  

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