Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good Bye Monterey

July 17, 2011

Today was my last full day in Salinas/Monterey.  I had to go to the beach one last time to say good bye!  I also realized that I didn't really have any pictures of me at the beach, so I took a self-portrait (it was really windy!!):

For my last day at the beach I decided to take my dinner out there and sit on one of the benches and eat.  That was not such a great idea:

First this guy showed up, watching me eat.

Then this guy started running right at me.  It was kind of scary, I wasn't sure if he was going to stop, or just come up on my lap to get a bite!

After I scared the little rodent away, more seagull friends came along.

And when I turned around, even more were coming up behind me!  I finally decided eating at the beach was not a great idea, so I packed up my dinner and went home!

Then I saw the funniest thing on the way back to my place.  I was driving through Monterey and came to a cross walk, where on the other side of the street there was a pack of geese blocking the street.  A little girl was out of the car trying to get them to move, and the guy  in the car was yelling and so annoyed that he was blocked from driving through!  Hahahahaha!  It was great!  

A great last memory of Monterey!  Tomorrow I'm off to San Francisco!

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